Women Inspired Network (WIN)

All women are welcome to attend any meeting, any time, regardless of membership status, but a $2.00 nominal meeting fee is charged to everyone to cover the cost of the venue, meeting materials, etc. WIN Membership: • $200 Sustaining Level • $500 Emerald Level • $1000 Diamond Level
Women Inspired Network Endowment Fund

The funds are invested and 4% of the earnings on the cumulative invested amount will be granted back to the WIN organization to be used toward the annual WIN Grants.
Spirit of the Harbor Charitable Fund

Partnering with the Starved Rock Country Community Foundation, the fund will focus on embracing the unity and generosity of the homeowners and boat owners in the HHO community to chart a course for positive community impact.
The Schmidt Family Charitable Fund

Susan Thornton Donor Advised Fund

Starved Rock Regional Center Endowment Fund

Since its inception, the Center has consistently provided quality services to LaSalle and Bureau County children with, and without, special needs and their families so that they have equal opportunity to live, learn and play in their community. We are honored to have the Starved Rock Regional Center for Therapy and Child Development Endowment Fund […]
Robert M. Eschbach Legacy Fund

Initially, the fund was first established with a $60,000 gift from Bob’s sister, Sharon Eschbach Coleman and her late husband, Ken Coleman, of Seattle, WA. We would also like to take this opportunity to express gratitude to Bob on behalf of the entire Ottawa community for his generous contributions to further the arts in Starved […]
Ottawa Sunrise Rotary Club Charitable Fund

Solving real problems takes real commitment and vision. For more than 110 years, Rotary’s people of action have used their passion, energy, and intelligence to take action on sustainable projects. From literacy and peace to water and health, we are always working to better our world, and we stay committed to the end. Ottawa Sunrise […]
Margaret Messer Memorial Fund

While employed by the New York Central Railroad in Cincinnati, Marge met her future husband, Vernon Messer. Married in 1946, Vernon and Marge spent the next 59 years dedicated to each other, their children and their strong Catholic faith. Vernon passed away in February 2005. A loving mother and homemaker while raising her children, Marge […]
Karl’s Krusaders Fund

Growing up, Karl loved dinosaurs, Thomas the Train, and his many pets through the years — multiple fish, lizards, rats, hamsters, a gerbil, a cat and dogs, Emmy, and his favorite, Sandy. Karl was a dedicated student, always making high honor roll. He was a multi-sport athlete and star, a lover of the outdoors and […]