Women Inspired Network (WIN)

As a component of SRCCF, Women Inspired Network is a charitable giving circle of local philanthropic women who make annual contributions to empower and enhance the quality of life throughout our community.

About the fund

Women Inspired Network (WIN)

As a component of SRCCF, Women Inspired Network is a charitable giving circle of local philanthropic women who make annual contributions to empower and enhance the quality of life throughout our community.

Type of fund

Fiscal Sponsorship

All women are welcome to attend any meeting, any time, regardless of membership status, but a $2.00 nominal meeting fee is charged to everyone to cover the cost of the venue, meeting materials, etc. 

WIN Membership: 

• $200 Sustaining Level 

• $500 Emerald Level 

• $1000 Diamond Level

Financial donations may also be mailed or made in person at our office 241 Marquette St, LaSalle, IL 61301. If you prefer to make a financial contribution by mail, please make your check payable to SRCCF. For more information about Women Inspired Network, please contact (815)252-2906.