On behalf of generous individuals, SRCCF administers a scholarship program each year to help students pursue their dreams and goals at colleges and universities.

The 2023 Scholarship Season will be opening on Wednesday, January 4, 2023 through Wednesday, March 1, 2023. Applications are due at the Starved Rock Country Community Foundation office by Wednesday, March 1, 2023.
To streamline the amount of time you need to spend completing each of these
scholarships, we have created a Scholarship Application Packet. If you are interested in multiple scholarship opportunities offered by Starved Rock Country Community Foundation, we encourage you to download and complete the Scholarship Application Packet and return the entire packet in person, by mail or via email no later than Wednesday, March 1st.
Scholarship funds will be awarded by check, made payable to the college or university for
deposit in the student’s account. For questions or concerns, please contact us at your earliest convenience. The list of educational scholarships available and Scholarship Application Packet can be found at the link below. Good luck to everyone!