Ottawa Community Events HeadStart Funding

Thank you for your interest in applying for financial assistance from the Starved Rock Country Community Foundation. We are pleased to partner with non-profit organizations, schools, libraries, and other charitable community groups who support the Ottawa community

HeadStart Funding Information

Please note the following

Funding Approval: All HeadStart Funding awards are subject to availability of funds and the impact the event  will have in the community. This is a competitive funding opportunity and applications will be evaluated on a measurable scale by the HeadStart Funding Evaluation Committee

Non-Profit Organizations: HeadStart Funding is available to charitable, non-profit organizations serving the Ottawa community. Proof of non-profit status is required, and a copy of your designation letter from the IRS must be attached to your application.

HeadStart Funding

must be used for charitable purposes that serve a broad range of the residents of Ottawa and its visitors.

All programs, handouts, advertising, and other marketing material for your award related activities must include the acknowledgement below. Our logo should be included where appropriate and practical.


Please complete the HeadStart Funding Application and Budget Form. Include all supporting documentation. You will be notified of the funding approval as soon as possible after our review.

Final Reports

All final reports are due to the SRCCF office no later than 30 days after the completion of the project, event, or initiative. No additional awards will be made unless the final report for an existing funding award is received. The HeadStart Final Report document will be sent to you with the award check and is also available online.

A payment of 110%

of the HeadStart Funding Award must be returned to the SRCCF via CHECK within four (4) weeks after the completion of the event.

Ottawa Community Events HeadStart Funding Documents

Get Started by downloading the Budget & Application forms

Submit your application

Submit your application and required documents using the form below, and a member of our team will be in touch with you if we need additional information.