Support our Community Funds

Financial donations may also be mailed or made in person at our office 116 W. Lafayette Street, Ottawa, IL 61350. If you prefer to make a financial contribution by mail, please make your check payable to SRCCF. 

Donate to a specific fund

Looking to donate to a specific fund or cause?

Click the button below to browse through our funds and make a donation in the arts, education, health & human services, the environment, disaster relief, and more.

Donate to the SRCCF Leadership Fund For now

Created by SRCCF to enable us to operate, The Leadership Fund for Now provides funds for immediate distribution to area agencies and charitable initiatives and helps us build the core administrative fund.


Committed to you and your future.

Community foundations exist to meet the philanthropic needs of the community and the philanthropic desires of local donors. When we connect those two, wonderful things happen to enhance the quality of life for all of us.​