A Montessori teacher for 31 years, Walter is Director of Children’s Services at Trinity Lutheran Church and is Ottawa High School’s drama director. Walter, who grew up on a five-generation farm in Grand Ridge, taught for more than 25 years at Near North Montessori in Chicago and Joliet Montessori School.
Also spearheading the endeavor is the school’s organizational team of Patricia Reed, Mike Pubenz, and Kevin Evensen, along with Trinity Lutheran Pastor Philip Potaczek and instructor Casey McGrath. Walter lauded SRCCF for making the school possible.
“I do not know how this would have happened without the Foundation,” Walter said.
“Once (SRCCF co-founder) Pamela Beckett spoke to our group, we were sold.”
The Ottawa school will begin with students aged 3 to 6 years old and hopes to eventually serve more than 20 at a time, said Walter. Students will learn mathematics, language, biology and the arts, among other subjects.
The Montessori movement was begun by Italian physician scientist Maria Montessori (1870-1952); today there are over 66,000 Montessori schools worldwide serving students from birth through high school.
For information about the Montessori School, visit https://trinityrosemontessori.com/