Sharon Eschbach Coleman donates $50,000 to SRCCF’s Robert M. Eschbach Fund

Ottawa native Sharon Eschbach Coleman recently made a $50,000 donation to the Starved Rock Country Community Foundation’s Robert M. Eschbach Fund. The Eschbach fund, initiated in 2016 by Sharon and her late husband Ken, recognizes her brother, the former Ottawa mayor, and supports “aesthetic, cultural and economic development in the city.” “Sharon is a cornerstone […]

A lot of heart in Ottawa couples Ugandan project

This past September, a unique fundraiser named Harvest Hand-Up was at the home of Joe and Nathalie Schmidt in Ottawa. During the auction, a beautiful hand-woven tray caught the eye of many attendees and was quickly claimed before I had a chance to bid. Nathalie graciously offered to bring back another tray when she returned […]