I am self taught with a passion for many kinds of art. At nine years old, I discovered my love for art. It came to me in the form of a paint by number oil set, gifted from my parents. As I painted each day, I learned patience was not something I had, but must develop, and my perfectionism became obvious for the first time, bringing with it a sense of desire to go “outside the lines”. I have been trying to duplicate those feelings by composing my own form of art, one without boundaries or rules set before me. Abstract has given me the freedom to create my own lines. The start of each new piece, begins a journey into the depths of my mind, bringing forth the energy and emotions needed to compose a piece that will talk with my inner soul, and maybe, into the soul of the viewers so they too may experience energy and emotions from within themselves. It is my express desire to share with my viewers a world of beauty and excitement filled with colorful emotions; shaped and textured from within me, leaving a part of my spirit with each composition.
COMMENTS FROM A VIEWER… I realized, I think your direction is very unique which is a special thing. And this unique direction often takes subtle elements of visual reality/recognizable objects/landscape and inserts them into an abstract surrealist setting/environment where the role they play becomes secondary to the psychological or abstract structure. But the role is important in that they make the psychological or abstract message you are stating more profoundly relevant and graspable. Still in awe of your subtle sensitivity and grand control of your compositions. I think on top of all the wonderful layers I have mentioned in the past about your painting, I wonder if I detect one more layer – the digital “strokes” may be ironically/humorously “aware” they are digital and are kind of poking at the oil paint strokes saying “I know I’m not you, but I know all about you and I’m going to show you what I can do that you can’t”. It’s so amazingly interesting as a digital composition in it’s own right. I think as you continue to make art like this you are raising the reputation of the abstract/surreal/Malmian digital art form.
PAST The Next Picture Show Regional Survey of Arts January 2020
The Next Picture Show All Abstract Art July 2020
Open Space Art Gallery & Studio February 3 – 28, 2021…Solo Exhibit and Auction
The Paintbox Gallery Solo Exhibit June 2020…Covid – 19 canceled
The Prairie Arts Council Solo Exhibit September 2020…Covid – 19 canceled
The Prairie Arts Council “Dark Room” Exhibit October 2020…Covid – 19 canceled
The Next Picture Show “About Face” Exhibit…June 2021
The Next Picture Show “Absolutely Abstract” Exhibit…July 2021
The Prairie Arts Council…Solo Exhibit “Endurance”…August 2021
North Central Illinois Artworks…Solo Exhibit…”Exposure”…February 2022
The Next Picture Show…The Shades of Gray Exhibition…February 2022
The Next Picture Show…About Face…June 2022
Open Space Art Gallery & Studio…Pollinator’s Collective Exhibition…June 2022
The Next Picture Show…Absolutely Abstract Exhibition…July 2022
Open Space Art Gallery & Studio…Ecology Collective Exhibition…August 2022
Open Space Art Gallery & Studio…Women’s Rights Exhibition…October 2022
SCHEDULED NCI Artworks Gallery…..”New Beginnings”………….January 2023